Egypt, Suez Canal: Conditions for Small Craft Improving

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) is developing and improving all the time, and at last small craft are starting to be treated differently to commercial shipping and overall conditions in the Canal for yachts, improved.

Published 3 years ago

Yacht being passed by a big container ship
Passing a container ship in the Suez Canal. Photo courtesy SV Joana.

Improved infrastructure for yachts:

The SCA are implementing a plan to develop the yachting infrastructure at the three yacht marinas it manages, with Ismailia the first to be upgraded.

According to Captain Mohamed Mohsen who is responsible for yacht-related services at the SCA, the plan aims to enhance the SCA’s yacht-related administrative and logistics services in the yacht marinas at Port Said, Ismailia and Suez.

Captain Mohsen told Noonsite that the plan would focus on developing Ismailia Yacht Marina as a pilot model (First Stage).

“We will then proceed with developing the other two Marinas in Port Said and Suez (Second Stage). Currently we are implementing the plan to develop the infrastructure of Ismailia Yacht Marina including building 50 berths, well-equipped with utilities and services including water and electricity, maintenance, cleaning and garbage services, toilets and showers, a business centre, clubhouse, barbershop, ATM, medical service, coffee shop and restaurant and laundry.

“We will also be launching an electronic booking/documentation portal, plus offering a wide range or recreational services, in addition to providing bunkering services including low sulphur fuel and other yacht-oriented competitive services.”


Suez Canal fees continue to fall:

More good news from Suez is that northbound fees continue to fall. New fees have come in from agency Prince of the Red Sea (see our Suez information sheet for details) for 2022 showing that canal tolls have reduced as have Port Clearance fees.

Following a major price hike by the Suez Canal Authority on 1 March, 2021, a decision was made to increase northbound port clearance fees from $60 to $930. Fortunately in May 2021 this fee was reduced to $540 and in August 2021 further still to $447. It is encouraging to see the port clearance fees this year at $338. For southbound transits the port clearance is still $260.

Protocols easing:
The SCA have decided that there will be no Suez Canal measurement for yachts up to 300 tons, on the basis that the yacht’s tonnage is recorded in the yacht’s registration certificate. This means that determining the fees for canal transits will no longer depend on the estimated tonnage made by the SCA, but instead on the actual registered tonnage of the yacht. Agency Prince of the Red Sea told Noonsite that this decision means saving both money and time and is expected to be implemented on 1 May, 2022.
Incentives for yachts:
In an effort to promote maritime tourism, the SCA is offering incentives including up to 50% transit tolls reduction to yachts of 300 tons and over in tonnage, provided that they stop at an Egyptian port.

The SCA is also offering electricity and water free of charge at the three yacht reception centers in all three Canal cities, as well as paid services including ordering provisions and maintenance and repair.

Transit incentives granted to yachts include free transit as per the rules of navigation for small crafts given that they transit more than once within a period not exceeding six months.

The preliminary time frame to conclude the Ismailia Yacht Marina development is one year with the inauguration scheduled to take place in April 2023 (Preliminary Date).

Enquiries and feedback:

Noonsite members can send their enquiries/comments and contact Captain Mohsen direct through the official email address of SCA Yachts Marinas:

The SCA is also seeking feedback from cruisers on their experiences at SCA marinas via the following link:


Related News:

New Strategy to Boost Yacht Tourism – SCA


Related Links:

Suez Canal Authority

Noonsite Suez Canal Information Sheet

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