Businesses Listings for: Storage
Hacienda Tijax Marina
Address: 15°39.772N 089°0.109W, Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Located on a Guatemalan owned & managed hacienda with over 500 acres of land. Marina services: 12 slips stern tie to main dock, 12 storage ...
Stones Marina & Boatyard
Address: 1690 Stewart Avenue, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island (B.C), Canada, V9S 4E1
1690 Stewart Avenue, Nanaimo, BC V9S 4E1 Tel: +1 250 753 4232 (main office) / +1 250 716 9065 (boatyard) ...
Newcastle Marina
Address: 1300 Stewart Avenue, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island (B.C), Canada, V9S4E1
1300 Stewart Avenue, Nanaimo, BC V9S4E1 Canada Tel: +1 250 753 1431 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 5 pm All facilities including welding, ...
La Palma Moorings
Address: El Salvador
Floating moorings for 12 yachts. 2-ton concrete mooring blocks. Floating dinghy docks, access to workshop. Long-term storage for dinghy ...
Sunsport Marine Ltd
Address: Southside, St Sampson, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY2 4QJ
All engineering services available including chandlery, paints etc. Yamaha outboards and stern ...
Marina Americo Vespucio
Address: Bay of Pozuelos, Avenida America Vespucio, Avenida America Vespucio, Complejo Turistico El Morro, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Located to starboard once inside the harbor. Water and electricity. Other services not know. Boatyard with 40 ton crane, shore storage and ...