Businesses Listings for: Water
Marina Mangalia
Address: Strada Portului, Mangalia, Romania, 905500
Mangalia, Romania Tel: +40 241 751 980 Cell +40 748 148 801 or +40 753 060 628 Fax:+40 241 752 297 VHF Channel 16, 67 http://
Marina Eforie Nord
Address: Eforie North Beach, opp. the Hotel Belona, opp. the Hotel Belona, Port Eforie Nord, Eforie Nord, Romania, 905350
Port Eforie Nord, 905350 Romania Tel:+40 728 199 287 / +40 785 282 018
Samsun Yelken Kulubu (Sailing Club)
Address: Baruthane Mevkii- Batipark, Samsun, Black Sea, Turkey
Marina with water, electricity, facilities block, WiFi, bar, and restaurant. Alongside or med-moor. Laundry arranged through the club office. Ask ...
Marina Nessebar
Address: Nessebar, Bulgaria
Call in advance for a reservation. A new marina with floating pontoons. Water, electricity and WiFi but no toilets or ...
Yacht Club Port Bourgas
Address: No. 1, Alexander Batenberg Street, Alexander Batenberg Street, Burgas, Bulgaria, 8000
Water, electricity, toilets and showers. Charges are based on sq.m (LOA x beam) and on a "day" starting at midnight. So a one night stay will be ...
Yacht Club Port Varna
Address: Port Varna, Bulgaria
Water and electricity on pontoons, showers, fuel by arrangement. Ask about repairs. The club welcomes visitors, particularly at the beginning of July ...