Businesses Listings for: Water
Marina D’Arechi
Address: Via Generale Salvador Allende, Salerno, West Coast, Italy, 84131
Position: 40°38.77’ N, 14°48.58’ E This new Marina opened in September 2015. Maximum length 100 meters. Visitor berths on inner jetty ...
Brightlingsea Harbour
Address: Brightlingsea Harbour Office, 4 Copperas Road, 4 Copperas Road, Brightlingsea, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom, CO7 0AP
There are pontoon moorings available for vessels up to 50’ LOA.For moorings availability and suitability for your boat, contact the ...
Beach Bungalows and Bonefishing Lodge
Address: Deals Beach (1 mile long), Clarence Town, Long Island, Bahamas
This establishment has 10 moorings which are just off from the beach. The moorings are in 5' to 7'2" of water. Restaurant and bar. Accommodation ...
Marina di Levante
Address: cala Rossano, Ventotene (Pontine Islands), West Coast Islands, Italy
Moorings, water, ...
South Side Marina
Address: 26 Turtle Tail Drive, Venetian Road, Venetian Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos
Port of Entry with clearance. A 40-minute sail from Sapodilla Bay at 21.00.00N, 72.00.00W. Run by cruisers.The marina facilities include ...
Porto delle Grazie: Marina di Roccella
Address: C. da Melissari, Roccella Jonica (RC), Roccella Jonica (RC), Roccella Ionica, South Coast (Ionian Sea), Italy, 89047
Offer assistance with clearance & formalities, fuel and gas, showers (a long way from pontoons), WiFi at the office, restaurant, mini-market, ...