Businesses Listings for: Water
Port de Plaisance Plouer
Address: Plouer-sur-Rance, St Malo, Channel, France
Location 48° 31.5N, 001° 1.5W 10 visitors' berths. Access (day or night) is when there is at least 8m above CD. The tide gauge at the entrance ...
Messolonghi Marina
Address: Port of Messolonghi, Messolonghi, Gulfs of Patras & Corinth, Greece, 30200
Modern marina with WiFi, pump-out-facilities, laundry, boatyard & travel hoist, chandlery, mini-market, cafe. Friendly staff and a good ...
Marina Las Palmas
Address: Calle Joaquin Blanco Torrent, S/N, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, 35004
Visitors' berths, all facilities, showers, internet, WiFi, laundry (24 hours), fuel and more. Requires special water tap connections, only some ...
Abu Tig Marina
Address: El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt
VHF Channel 16, 73 Full-service marina with some visitors' berths. Location 27°24'.61N - 033°40'.94E. This marina is usually fully booked, ...
Roscoff Old Port
Address: Quai Charles de Gaulle, Roscoff, Channel, France
Situated in the heart of the town. Fender board needed. Showers and toilets are next to the Harbour Office. Water is on the quay. Electricity by ...
Morlaix Marina
Address: Bureau de Port, Cours Beaumont, Cours Beaumont, Morlaix, Channel, France, 29600
Access via lock-system at high tide, 1.5 hours before high tide and 1 hour after. 30 berths at the quay, 120 berths on the pontoon, 32 berths ...