Businesses Listings for: Water
Newlyn Harbour
Address: Newlyn, Penzance
Water, electricity, diesel (in jerry cans), 6-ton crane, repairs, sailmaker, and chandlery.Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners ...
Armdale Yacht Club
Address: PO Box 22105, Bayers Road Postal Outlet, Bayers Road Postal Outlet, 7071 Bayers Road, 40 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3L 4T7
(09:00-22:00 in season) [Broken Link] Located at the head ...
Maya-Maya Yacht Club
Address: Maya-Maya Reef Resort, Barangay Natipuan, Barangay Natipuan, Nasugbu, Batangas Province, 4231
Will assist with entry formalities. Located at 14°06.93 N 120°36.762E south of Manila Bay. Water and fuel available, internet access, 50-ton ...
Marina Porta Hotele
Address: przy ul. Przestrzennej 7 i 11, Szczecin, Poland, 71-800
Position: 53° 24'.0N, 14° 37'.7E Located at the southern end of Jezioro Dabie. Depths range from 2.5 meters to four meters. Mainly ...
Marina Orion
Address: Swinoujscie, Poland
Moor bow or stern-to. Lies 1 NM beyond the Customs post, on the west side. Depth three meters. Water and electricity. Showers and toilets (50 meters ...
Lerwick Marina
Address: Gremista, Lerwick
Tel: +44(0)1595 692407 (Lerwick Boating Club) Situated at the north end of Lerwick Harbour. Security gate access. Water, slipway, and hoist for ...