Businesses Listings for: Marine Services
Marina Porto Imperial
Address: Rod br 101 - Boa Vista, Paraty - RJ, Southern Brazil, Brazil, 23970
Located close to the town. 023 ° 13 '50 "S / 044 ° 42' 55" W All facilities, WiFi, 24hr security. Yacht club. Provisions. 50 ton and 75-ton ...
Marina Boa Vista
Address: br 101 - Km 578.7 - Boa Vista, Paraty - RJ, Southern Brazil, Brazil, 23970
Marina 188
Address: Rodovia BR 101, Km 575, Km 575, Bairro Boa Vista - Paraty / RJ, Paraty, Southern Brazil, Brazil
Latitude: 23º S 13’ 934” / Longitude: 044º O 42’ 172” Full facility marina with coffee bar, WiFi, 24hr security, ...
Marina Whala
Address: Boca Chica, Dominican Republic
Suitable for shallow draft boats, located off the beach resort further inside the bay from Marina Zarpar. Recommended arriving on high tide. ...
Rio Marina Resort
Address: Itacuruca, Southern Brazil, Brazil
Currently under renovation, so current facilities are basic (October 2014). Berthing stern-to with mooring buoys - depth approx. 5m, water, and ...
Marina Santo Antonio
Address: Santo Antonio de Lisboa, Florianopolis, Southern Brazil, Brazil
Popular spot for local sailing boats on moorings. The owner (Mr Cid) doesn't speak English but is friendly and helpful. Anchor here in about 3 metres ...