USA, Rhode Island to the Caribbean in November
Published 17 years ago, updated 6 years ago
I’m Med based and don’t know a great deal about the goings on across the pond, but I may have to take a Swan 65 from R.I. to the Carib (Antigua I expect) this November. I get folks telling me “oooooh, it’s nasty, don’t do it”, and others saying “it’s the best time to go south”, what’s on? Should I head SE to cut across the gulf stream as quick as poss then head S, or just go A to B? I’m led to believe I can expect solid Northerlies and have the NE setting gulf stream to deal with. Is there much chance of S’erly winds? Fighting against that would suck! Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
Yes, the best time to head SE from the US east coast is immediately after the start of the “safe” season in the Caribbean (early November) and before those nasty winter northerlies start rearing their ugly head. I don’t think there much chance of southerly winds where you plan to start from … so you are right to cut across the Gulf Steam at right angles, then shape a course for the Virgins en route to Antigua. A good forecast would help, but in any case, I don’t really feel that you have much to worry about in a Swan 65!
Good luck!
Jimmy Cornell, noonsite
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