Trinidad and Tobago: Cruisers Give a Helping Hand
Following catastrophic flooding and landslides to parts of Trinidad and Tobago in late November, cruisers there pitched in to lend a helping hand, using dinghies to ferry people to safety and to deliver supplies.
Published 2 years ago
Heavy rainfall concentrated in the northern and central parts of Trinidad in late November 2022, triggered these catastrophic events, compounding weeks of constant rainfall that caused ground level saturation and many major watercourses were already filled.
Official government reports indicated over 30 flood incidents, more than 51 landslides and 4 reports of damaged structures across 12 administrative districts. Approximately 100,000 people were affected.
Trinidad has been experiencing flash flooding events more frequently in recent years. Flood waters reaching as high as 10 feet (3 metres) were proving challenging for disaster relief crews trying to reach those affected, and in the hardest hit areas. Officers from the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard and Defence Force called in boats and heavy-duty trucks. Many roads were also impassable due to the level of flooding.

OCC Port Officer Jesse James organised cruisers to assist in rescue and clean-up operations. Cruisers brought dinghies and motors to distribute supplies and remove residents from flooded homes in Chaguaramas. Jesse extended his heartfelt thanks to all who chipped in:
- John from Swagman who graciously loaned his dinghy and outboard.
- Lynn from Fleet Wings offered hers also
- Bruce from s/v Wild Matilda who drove and captained the effort.
- Jonathan who serviced the outboard before we left Chag.
- Amos and his excellent team who got the dinghy and engine set up and who will also be cleaning the dinghy and engine in the morning.
- Our fearless YSATT President Mr Peter Peake who gave one of his trucks to transport the dinghy and outboard at very late notice.
- My brothers who came along to support and who at this moment just now at 10:27PM are collecting their truck from Chaguaramas to go back to Central.
- Salisha from Power Boats who gave us fuel.
- Pascal, Tiffany and Danielle of s/v Felicity wonderful people. They did an awesome job today would not have accomplished half of what we did today without their help.
- The cash you all so kindly donated will be going towards cleaning supplies as this will be where the major expense and clean-up operations are needed.
- Last but not least..the support from my wife and daughter…without their support i would not be able to coordinate this effort.
“There is much much more to be done,” says Jesse. “If anyone has some time and is willing to come to give a helping hand to help the people who were devastated by this flooding.”
Related News:
- Trinidad Flooding – Trinidad & Tobago Government News
- US Yachtie Leaves Vessel to Help Residents – CNC3 News
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Related to following destinations: Chaguaramas, Tobago, Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago
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