Tanzania, near Dar es Salaam, Island of Sinda: Shipwrecked & captured – July 2016
Our thanks to Andrew Robinson for this information.
Published 9 years ago, updated 6 years ago
12.07.2016: 2220 LT
Position: Island of Sinda near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, South East Africa.
Three British yachtsmen involved in a 500KM race off Tanzania were shipwrecked and came ashore on the Island of Sinda which is a national park.
They were captured by a gang of fisherman – armed with knives, machetes and even sticks of dynamite. The Yachtsmen were tied up and all their clothes, bank cards, electronics, iPhones, cameras, the works were stolen.
The gang was spooked by a tourist boat landing on the island and after about an hour of being tied up, they managed to free themselves and run for help. After making a call to the race organisers to tell them what had happened, they were taken by boat back to the Kipepeo Beach Resort hotel on the mainland and were able to tell police about their ordeal.
(KR Mag, The Sun)
Related to following destinations: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Piracy & Security