St. Martin, Marigot Bay: Attacked & Robbed Ashore after Checking-in – December 2012
Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago
We want to report an incident that happened on Monday 10th December in St-Martin (French side). We are on a sailboat anchored in the lagoon. We have been here for 5 days and have not talked or met with any locals prior to this incident.
My wife went ashore to check-in just after lunch. She left the dinghy at Budget Marine, in the canal, and was walking back from check-in alone through Sandy Ground quarter near the lagoon bridge when she was attacked.
Two young black men (around 16 yrs old) jumped on her, and although they weren’t armed they were strong enough to give her serious head wounds before running off with her purse containing all official papers, passports, boat registration, and money.
We reported the attack to the Gendarmerie National and my wife has been taken to hospital for a medical evaluation. The police were very helpful and welcoming and two suspects have been apprehended, however, our bag of papers and documents has not been recovered yet.
We urge people to take care where they go by foot in St. Martin and to get as much information as they can about security from other cruisers beforehand.
Pierre Belanger
SY Coulicou
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