Saint Lucia, Anse Canaries: Attempted Robbery on Yacht at Anchor

A yacht that had anchored for the night at Anse Canaries in Saint Lucia was the target of an attempted robbery by two men who came alongside the vessel in a kayak.

Published 2 years ago


DATE:  2022-10-16 01:00

LOCATION:   Saint Lucia – Anse Canaries

EVENT:  Attempted Robbery

HAND:  1




A cruising yacht with 2 persons onboard anchored for the night at Anse Canaries. No other cruising yachts were nearby. At 0100HRS they were awoken by noise and the captain went topsides and found 1 of 2 men on a kayak had boarded. The captain pushed the man into the water. The 2 men threatened the captain/crew by sharing their intention to return with a gun and kill them, and then departed.

The police were called, and the marine police arrived in less than 1 hour to take a report.

CSSN NOTE: Another assault/armed robbery occurred in this anchorage in July 2022:


DATE:  2022-07-08 20:00

LOCATION:   Saint Lucia – Anse Canaries

EVENT:  Robbery

HAND:  1

STOLEN ITEMS: Cash and personal electronics – tablet, cellphone



At about 2000HRS two men armed with hand guns boarded a catamaran that had stopped for safe harbor overnight in the north end of Canaries Bay, St. Lucia, while on passage from Martinique to St Vincent. They held the singlehanding owner/captain at gunpoint in the salon and demanded cash and electronics that were readily surrendered. A demand for the “big money” was made but there was no large stash to surrender. After about 45 minutes the 2 left with what was assumed to be a third man who had remained in their boat. T

CSSN NOTE: Also – there were two assaults in nearby Soufriere in August 2022 and again in October 2022.

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