Guatemala, Livingston: Items Stolen from Yacht at Anchor
During a rainstorm at Livingston at the entrance to the Rio Dulce in Guatemala, thieves boarded a yacht at anchor and took fenders and rope from the vessel.
Published 3 years ago
LOCATION: Guatemala – Rio Dulce – Livingston
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: 2 boat fenders, 50 feet of 3/8 nylon three strand rope, 100 feet of 3/8 braid
A yacht anchored off Livingston . On their second night during a rainstorm the captain/crew awoke when they heard noise. The captain went topsides and found a thief on a kayak had stolen 2 fenders, cut and stolen several lines from the deck and was in the process of cutting the mainsail sheet. A report was made to the port captain the next day.
Related to following destinations: Guatemala, Livingston, Rio Dulce
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Caribbean, Piracy & Security