French Polynesia: Yacht security incidents – Nov/Dec 2016
Published 8 years ago, updated 6 years ago
I want to report our bad expérience on some weeks during November and December 2016.
First in Raiatea, Saturday, November 26th, at the marina of UTUROA where the “Dream Yacht Charter” base is working.
We were anchored on the Motu, 2 miles northeast, and made a ride to the marina to check internet mail.
After half an hour of mailing, I found my dinghy with 15 hp Yamaha had gone – only the chain and padlock remained!
I made à report to the gendarmerie, but nothing happens at this time. At the gendarmerie, one official told me that it seems to be some deal to Tahaa, Bora Bora and Tuamotus for the 15 hp.
The second incident was in Huahine on Décember 21st between 10 am and noon.
We were anchored in Avea bay south. All the boat was locked up and we had gone ashore for a walk to Parea. After a two hour walk, we returned to the boat to discover that somebody came on board while we were ashore. We saw footprints from the transom around the hatches.
We discovered that two little hatches had the locks broken, but fortunately, those hatches were too small to come inside.
Asking around we discovered that some others boat had suffered a boarding three weeks ago. So be careful in this area.
Living around here, I prefer to stay anonymous.
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