Dominica, South of Roseau: Boarding and Assault – May 2014

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Tom and Margaret Egan were moored South of Roseau near the Anchorage Hotel on a mooring ball on Saturday, May 3rd on the island of Dominica.

At 12:30 am two men boarded Alegria, their Northwind 43 ft sailboat.

Tom heard them walking above his stateroom and this woke him up. Tom walked to the open hatch and two men were in the cockpit getting ready to enter. Tom Yelled “get off the boat” but they jumped down into the main salon of the boat and on top of Tom, wrestling him to the floor trying to subdue him.

Margaret his sister was in the V berth and screamed, prompting one of them to leave Tom and enter the V berth.  She kicked him in the stomach and when he gained his composure he approached her again when she made a direct shot to his face with Mace.

This caused him to drop to his knees in pain. His friend left Tom to aid him and they left the boat quickly.  Tom only suffered a bruise to his face and a scratch on his arm.

A call went out over channel 16 to hail the Dominican Authorities but there was no answer after several tries. The crew untied the mooring and left Dominica as quickly as possible.

The lights were off inside the boat and the moon had set outside, so they were never able to get a good look at the two men.

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