Belize, Pelican Cayes: Charter Yacht Brutally Attacked – March 2012

Published 13 years ago, updated 5 years ago

The incident apparently happened onboard a catamaran chartered from the “Moorings Charter Company” that was anchored in the Pelican range of Cayes, the first set of islands off Dangriga. It is believed that on board were two American couples in their fifties/sixties, although some reports state there were as many as 8 guests on board.

At around nine o’clock on the night of Sunday 18 March, four dark complexioned men boarded the yacht by skiff, entering the boat from the deck through an open hatch in one of the bedrooms. The men allegedly attacked the charter group on board.

From what we know, one of the women was stabbed in the abdomen and one of the men was stabbed in the arm and injured on the forehead. Some reports are also stating that 2 women were raped. The other guests managed to hide in their cabins and were not assaulted.

One of the group members instigated a “Mayday” call on the VHF, however how the boat finally got away is currently unknown. Following the incident, the yacht made it back to Yolanda’s Dock Yard in Placencia where the injured crew were given hospital medical treatment.

Locals believe that the culprits are residents of Dangriga, which is very poor. The Police Department along with the Belize Coast Guard is still investigating the pirate attack.

Further updates when available.

This is not the first boarding of yachts in the Pelican Range, there have been a number of incidents in the past, however none as horrible or as violent as this one.

It is recommended that all yachts AVOID remaining in the Pelican Range of Cayes overnight.

Other attacks in Belize around the same time can be found by going to There was one further attack on a yacht reported here and a murder ashore in the yachting community. Neither was reported to noonsite.

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