Australia, Brisbane to Coquimbo, Chile

Published 16 years ago, updated 5 years ago

I would like to sail from Brisbane to Chile in October/November on a 50″ cutter sailboat. I was wondering about a route tween 10S and 25S rather than enduring the 40S. I think once we get to Easter Island it should be plain sailing but am concerned about the Brisbane – Pitcairn leg. Any help/advice would be appreciated.

Sorry, but I doubt that staying north of 25°S will get you far.

So whether you like it or not you will have to sail in an area of prevailing westerlies, i.e. between 35 and 38°S (no real need to go down to 40). Winds east of Easter Island are also SE so you should stay in those latitudes where you can make the best easting. If you plan the passage during May-June or late October, you may find the westerlies to be more manageable.

Jimmy Cornell, noonsite

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