US: New Federal Regulation for Fire Extinguishers on Recreational Vessels

A new US Coast Guard federal regulation for fire extinguishers on recreational vessels will come into affect in April 2022 which will require all fire extinguishers 12 years and older to be replaced.

Published 3 years ago

Source:  Waterway Guide

It may be cold and icy on the water but now’s the time to pay attention to a new US Coast Guard federal regulation for fire extinguishers on motorized recreational boats which takes effect on April 20, 2022.

The big change is that fire extinguishers older than 12 years from the manufacture date are no longer considered good and serviceable and should be replaced with a newer fire extinguisher.

This includes both disposable (non-rechargeable) and rechargeable fire extinguishers.  And while you are checking your fire extinguishers, make sure they are properly pressurized, labeled for Marine use “Marine Type U.S.C.G.” and are of the specific type required for your vessel length.

As a reminder:

Fire extinguishers must:

  • Be on board and readily accessible;
  • Be of an approved type;
  • Not be expired or appear to have been previously used; and
  • Be maintained in good and serviceable working condition, meaning:
    1. If the extinguisher has a pressure gauge reading or indicator it must be in the operable range or position;
    2. The lock pin is firmly in place;
    3. The discharge nozzle is clean and free of obstruction; and
    4. The extinguisher does not show visible signs of significant corrosion or damage.

The full register of regulations is available through the following link:

Federal Register:  Fire Protection for Recreational Vessels


Noonsite has not independently verified this information.

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