Environment: BioFouling and Vessel Cleaning Surveys

The yachting community is being asked to take part in a global survey which is aimed at improving biofouling management and marine biosafety initiatives.

Published 4 years ago

The surveys are being undertaken by the Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety and its GloFouling Partnerships Project.  Input is being requested from shipowners and operators, ports, shipyards and governments and in-water cleaning providers.

The surveys are part of a global study collecting information on biofouling related regulations and policies – both national and sub national. The report will be publicly released towards the end of this year.

Cruising Community asked for Input

International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Consultant Susie Kropman, who is facilitating the surveys, told Noonsite that the shipowner/operator survey would be most appropriate for the cruising community.

“I could have titled this better to be more inclusive of the yachting community, but it is definitely applicable for cruising yachts and I would very much appreciate their input,” she said.  “Please also pass on the survey link to anyone in the cruising community as we would like as much input as possible.”

The Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety has been established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its GloFouling Partnerships Project as an alliance of leaders from the private sector representing maritime industries, who work together to support improved biofouling management and marine biosafety initiatives.

Mediterranean Fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) – an internationally recognised invasive species.

The GIA has commissioned a report to identify existing and impending biofouling regulations and standards. The aim of the report is to provide higher clarity to the industry, with a view to facilitate compliance and identify regulatory barriers that hamper adoption of new practices and/or technologies related to biofouling prevention and management.

There are three different surveys targeted at different sectors and are open now until 16 July.  The results of the surveys will be used to inform the report.

Surveys range in length, and should take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete.

Anyone who would like more information about the surveys or report is asked to contact Susie Kropman, IMO Consultant at susie.kropman@gmail.com.

Related Links:

GloFouling Partnership

Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Safety

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  1. July 29, 2021 at 4:24 PM
    Waynew says:

    We were interested in answering the questionnaire but the closing date was 17 July whilst we received the Noonsite email on 29 July.