Australia: Solo Sailor Rescued after Yacht Smashes onto Rocks

A sailor who was circumnavigating Australia to raise funds for a sailing charity has been rescued after his yacht was beached on rocks off the coast of South Australia.

Published 4 years ago

Will Fantom was sailing around Australia on his yacht SV Skeese to raise money for Solo Sailor for the Disabled, when his yacht hit rocks near Coffin Bay on South Australia’s west coast.

He was trapped on the yacht for seven hours before making his way to a nearby beach at low tide with only the clothes on his back, his dog Mistchief and a few belongings, before being rescued by helicopter.

Photo (c) Will Fantom.

Mr Fantom said he had planned to live the rest of his life at sea on his yacht.  He was raising money as a way to “give something back” after living on the streets and in and out of refuges and foster care since he was 11.

He had sailed from Newcastle, around Tasmania, across to Victoria and was heading across the Bight after stocking up with fuel and supplies at Port Lincoln, when the yacht struck rocks about 2:00am on Sunday July 4.

Photo (c) Will Fantom.

He said life on the streets had given him the independence and resilience to tackle this hurdle.

“I have to deal with it, so I’ll clean up what is possible.”

He praised marine rescue services and the local community for helping him.

“I just need to get a boat and get back on the water,” he said.

To read the full story click on the links below.


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Charity Sailor Rescued (ABC News)

Solo Sailor Finds his Home at Sea (ABC News)


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