Atlantic Spain and Portugal: The Indispensable Cruising Guide for this Varied Coastline

The Imray Cruising Guide for Atlantic Spain and Portugal has now been updated for the 8th time by the Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation. Bob Earlie of the Irish Cruising Club has this review.

Published 6 years ago

book cover for this cruising guide with a pic of an anchorage with mountains behind and a lone yacht at anchorBook Review – Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation

Cabo Ortegal (Galicia) to Gibraltar

Henry Buchanan
8th edition, published 2019
ISBN: 9781846239649
Published by Imray at £45.00

This meticulously updated 8th edition invites the cruising sailor to safely explore numerous exquisite locations, reassured by the author’s wealth of experience. The considerable expertise of the well-respected Henry Buchanan is the backbone of this publication. It is a no-nonsense book, rather than a humorous anecdotal compilation for the coffee table.

The familiar and accessible layout belies the attention given to updating navigational detail and support information. There is a logical division of the pilot into three distinct cruising areas with a cruiser-friendly layout to the sections within. Corrections and updates to earlier editions have been made throughout.

In an age when information is instantly at our fingertips, we may fall foul of anecdotal comment from unknown and unproven sources. The Pilotage Foundation uses tried and tested sources which are then cross-checked by experienced cruising sailors. This is most reassuring and allows for a more enjoyable cruise.

The less experienced visiting sailor will find this volume accessible and instructive. Well-positioned photos of overview and sea-level approaches complement the Imray plans. The seasoned navigator, seeking out the less frequented, will also be supported in the approach to places like Malpica and Islas Sisargas. He or she can learn from the experience of others regarding hazards such as the previously uncharted rocks at San Vincente del Mar or changed positions of tuna nets in the Algarve. The newly charted Aguina approaches in Galicia is a most welcome addition. I do favour a row up the totally unspoilt Rio Vascao, a tributary of the Algarve’s Guadiana, which deserves a mention. I am also enamoured of a 5m pool off the hotel used by Franco on Isla Toxa Grande, Ria de Arousa; tricky navigation but worth it.

This 8th edition also assists in making the cruise more pleasant with information about visits ashore to tranquil nature reserves or lively fiestas. Also, we are given pertinent information on permits for protected areas and appropriate etiquette in marinas and Yacht Clubs.

In brief, study ATLANTIC SPAIN AND PORTUGAL (8th edition) before your cruise and then thumb through it as you go. It would be in poor judgement to cruise without and your experience will be enhanced immensely.

I commend Henry Buchanan, the Pilotage Foundation and Imray on this essential publication.

Bob Earlie, Irish Cruising Club, June 2019.

See Supplements to this Guide – Imray

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