Thames Flood Barrier
Business Contact Info
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 4402088550315
VHF: 14

VHF Channel 14, 22, 16

Opening hours: Routine information broadcast on Ch 14 at H+15 and H+45

In-bound up the Thames, vessels must call the Thames Barrier, call sign, ‘Woolwich Radio’ on VHF channel 14, when passing Crayford Ness, giving their ETA at the Barrage. At Margaret Ness, they should obtain confirmation of clearance to proceed. Greenlighted arrows indicate which gates are open. Outbound vessels follow the same procedure at Tower Bridge and Blackwall Point.

The barrage is completely closed once a month for about 3 hours and for a whole tide once a year in September/October at high spring tides.

Please telephone the day before to check (020 8305 4188) times of any closure.

The piers are numbered 1 to 9 and the spans lettered A to K. Spans A, H, J & K are NOT navigable. C to F are for larger ships and B (outbound and G (inbound are for yachts and smaller vessels.

The transit must be made under power, with the sails lowered.

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