Belize, San Pedro: Unexpected Clearance Fees

I am cruising the Caribbean with my wife and kids aboard a Catamaran. I would like to provide some more details regarding our recent experience clearing in and out of San Pedro, Belize, where there were a number of unexpected charges during the clearing in and out process.

Published 6 years ago

We cleared in San Pedro in June-2019, coming from Mexico with a family of 4, two adults and two children.

Details of incoming Clearance fees: 

1. Immigration: $50 USD, cash only in USD or BZD no receipt possible when we asked.
2. Customs: $50 USD, cash only in USD or BZD no receipt possible when asked either but since we were incoming we did not insist when they mentioned immediately they could refuse us the entry into the Country.
3. BAHA, $50 USD, cash only in USD or BZD no receipt either but the officer gave us a copy of the form that he filled out on our behalf without asking us any questions, that form stipulates that the officer came to the boat for an inspection when in reality he never left the office.
4. Port Authorities, 240 BZD, which includes the daily fee for a duration of one month. We did get a receipt for this and he also explained the details of the different fees that were included but did not write them down. This is expensive but seem legitimate in Belize.
We stayed a Month in Belize and asked different cruisers about their experience clearing in. Anybody who had cleared in San Pedro had to pay the same fees. 

Details of Clearing Out: 
We cleared out at the same San Pedro Office in July-19.

The day before I called Belize City immigration headquarters and asked what the clearing fees are supposed to be for clearing out a private yacht. The officer on the phone told me there were no fees for clearing out – period. 
The next day while clearing out in San Pedro our first stop was Immigration, they asked for $50 USD cash, no receipt, for clearing out.

At that point I insisted on a receipt, I was told by the officer that I had two solutions: If I really wanted a receipt, they would have to commission a boat because they do not have one, and gather Port Authorities, customs and BAHA to come inspect the boat, after which I will be given an official receipt including paying for the commissioning of the boat which typically is several hundred USD. Or I could just pay the $50 USD they were asking… 

We then proceeded to customs where we were asked again to pay $50 USD, at that point I did not even ask for a receipt…

Summary of  Clearing out fees: 

1. Immigration: $50 USD, cash no receipt

2. Customs: $50 USD, cash no receipt

The cruiser who provided this information would prefer not to provide his name for fear of repercussions if they ever return to Belize. 


The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of or World Cruising Club.

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  1. September 28, 2019 at 10:08 AM
    Bondar132 says:

    The above is very correct. For a country that relies on tourism for a large part of their incomes, the official government agencies seem to be well…. crooked… I like belize but my boat will never set foot again in that country. Way too expensive way too corrupt