Issues With Yacht Fumigation in Australia
Published 18 years ago, updated 6 years ago
I am seeking out other owners who may be having issues with Australian Quarantine regarding the requirement of so-called mandatory fumigation of imported yachts. I am now 4 months into fighting with AQIS (Australian quarantine inspection services) objecting to expensive and potentially dangerous fumigation of my yacht, contrary to the evidence of any infestation of any kind following an inspection by an AQIS entomologist. Perhaps by pooling resources and information, a concentrated representation could be made to perhaps the Federal Minister for this department to bring all this unnecessary bureaucratic nonsense to a halt. The only response I currently get from AQIS as to why the boat should be fumigated is because they say so with no justification. AQIS has also refused to provide a copy of the report made by the entomologist even though this inspection was paid for by me the owner. I can be contacted either by email or by telephoning 02 66 828218 (I am an Australian resident living in New South Wales). Any comments or responses will be very welcome.
Phil Martin
Related to following destinations: Australia