USA: How does the Government shutdown affect the cruising community?
The U.S. Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection provide services to pleasure boat users – find out what’s different during this period of Government Shutdown.
Published 6 years ago

At the time of writing, 9 government departments, plus several smaller agencies, are closed, with only “essential services” operating.
Out of these agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection (both now part of the Department of Homeland Security), are the two agencies that directly affect boating.
The Log (California’s boating and fishing news) contacted the Public Affairs Officer in Washington to find out what USCG services are affected. In summary, these are:
- Essential services such as search and rescue, port and homeland safety and security, law enforcement and environmental response will continue.
- Boarding of pleasure vessels for safety checks is not considered “essential”.
- Pleasure boater USCG licenses are not considered “essential”.
- Routine maintenance of navigational aids is on hold, however, repairs/re-positioning are not.
- CBP continues to process yachts arriving from foreign waters, however with fewer personnel, delays may well be experienced.
- Most National parks are closed.
Further Information:
For in-depth details read the full report at
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