Circumnavigation via the Three Great Capes

Dutch couple Wietze van der Laan and Janneke Kuysters have sailed around the world via the three great capes. Their 60,000 mile/ 8 year journey lead them from the tropics to high latitudes and back. In 2021 they arrived back in the Netherlands, ready to continue cruising in the Baltic and North Atlantic. Their yacht Anna Caroline is a Bruce Roberts 44′.

As well as writing a blog for the Dutch magazine Zeilen, they had many articles from their circumnavigation published in Yachting World magazine (in English). Below are some links to the interesting and/or recent ones.

They also wrote a book about their experience in Dutch: Nieuwsgierigheid als Kompas which translates to: Curiosity as a Compass. This will be published in English in 2023.

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